Why do I need a riser chair?
If you suffer from medical problems such as arthritis and back pain, and find it difficult to get up from your armchair you may find a riser recliner chair will help you.
How the chair works?
An electric riser recliner chair rises up so you are almost stood up. To sit back down rest in the chair and lower. Depending on the model of chair you purchase, the footrest will automatically come up supporting your legs. The chair can be electric or manual. Remember if you are purchasing an electric riser/recliner ensure it can be positioned near an electric socket.
What type should I get?
Depending on the type of your disability will determine the type of riser/recliner chair you purchase.
Do you need additional supports, massage and heat facilities?
They come in different sizes to suit people who are different sizes. Ensure you get the right size chair for you ensuring comfort.