Its not every day you come into work and meet someone driving around Britain, in a mobility scooter, with 2 cats!!!
We had the pleasure of meeting Mark Newton this morning at our head office in Hampshire as he headed for a hearty breakfast.
Mark has an amazing set up (see photos) using a Beamer Tramper class 3 and special trailer that also serves as a mini caravan. Mark is also accompanied by his 2 cats who travel in the trailer and get out to explore whenever he stops.
This adventure commenced on April 2013 and Mark is currently on day 404 of his epic journey which started in South Wales. He has already raised over 㿈,000 for his nominated charities Help for Hero's SSAFA and the RNLI.
We were pleased to make a donation from Help My Mobility via his excellent website, check it out for more information.
By Help Mobility Team