
There have been numerous reported incidents in the media recently of scooter drivers having accidents, causing damage to both persons and property. With this increase and the increase of scooters on the pavements and roads there is growing pressure to make mobility scooter insurance compulsory. We have decided to shed some light on the situation.

Is Mobility Scooter Insurance required?

Under current legislations there is no requirement for users of mobility scooters to hold mobility scooter insurance. Quite different to the legality of car use. However, that said users should consider taking out at least third party insurance to cover any potential claims that could be made should the user cause injury of damage to persons or property. Careful consideration should also be given to taking out adequate insurance to cover the scooter itself against damage, theft etc. Scooters can be expensive to purchase and the peace of mind and financial benefits to being insured can be a worthwhile investment. The DVLA make the following comments with reference to mobility scooter insurance:

"Although it is not a legal requirement, it is strongly advised to have insurance. Suitable schemes are not too expensive and are available to cover your personal safety, other people’s safety and the value of the vehicle."

Our View:

We strongly feel insurance should be mandatory. Why, you may ask? We feel BOTH scooter users and the public should have some degree of protection if an accident should occur. We have heard of several law suits against scooter users for large sums of money due to injuries inflicted by the scooter. No one should be in a situation where losing their home through a law suit is a potential possibility. As scooter as used in public areas it is only fair that should damage to their property or person occur then cover is in place to compensate.

What Does Insurance Cover?

The insurance can be divided into two areas:

1. The scooter

2. Third party

The Scooter

Cover for the scooter usually protects you against the cost of repairs to, or replacement of, your mobility product in the event of an accident. Some policies also cover or will pay towards the recovery costs of getting you and your mobility product home following an accident or breakdown.

Third Party

If you accidentally collide into anyone or anyone’s property and you are sued for negligence the insurance should pay for your defence and the resultant damages if you are found to be negligent. Such a situation could include hitting a pedestrian, crashing into a car, or causing an accident through negligent driving.

Taking Out Insurance:

When taking out mobility scooter insurance there are certain details you will need to provide. This information includes:

• Scooter make and model

• Age

• Price paid for the scooter

• Serial / frame number

Often finding the serial number may be difficult if the scooter was bought second hand, but can be located on the scooter itself and consists of a long string of number/letters often by the battery. New scooters should have the serial number within the documentation. See our comparison chart for insurance providers. Or you can buy online here.

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